Sphinx Blog
05. März 2025
Apex Office Print by Sphinx
Official reseller partnership for the innovative document generation solution for Oracle APEX
14. Feb. 2025
AiSEC Blog #1
Wie kann man Vorteile, die LLMs & andere AI-Technologien bieten, nutzen, ohne sensible Daten zu verlieren?
25. Nov. 2024
Retrieving Directory Contents from Nextcloud Using Oracle ..
The get_directory_contents function is our powerful Oracle PL/SQL solution for querying directory contents from a Nextcloud server.
25. Okt. 2023
Swingbench Analysis: Power versus Intel
We aim to answer the question: How many Intel CPUs are needed to match the performance of my current Power CPUs?
25. Sept. 2023
Oracle DB+ Client
One of the challenges faced by database administrators and developers is ensuring secure communication between the database client and the server.
07. Aug. 2023
Bug or Feature? Oracle Apex 23.1 Template Component
Looking for a solution - incl. info from Oracle, nice to know
01. Aug. 2023
Create Standby with Oracle 19.16?
Some bugfixing ideas for bug 34446152. Okay after upgrade (19.20)
01. Aug. 2023
Clone VM in ESXi
That´s the way to-go with ESXi - a how to in our Blog.
28. Juli 2023
Easy Autoupgrade / Autopatch Oracle
Out-of-Place 19.20 within Sphinx Environment. Works fine, it can be used for x databases in one script.
24. Juli 2023
Streamlined Oracle Installation Guide
In this concise blog post, we present a comprehensive Oracle installation guide for VMWARE users.
05. Juli 2023
Beyond the Limits
Requirement: Every table of any schema should be editable ...
06. Juni 2023
Oracle Apex 23.1
Oracle APEX 23.1 has introduced a number of new features and improvements that enhance and expand the development experience.
06. Juni 2023
Exasol Virtual Schema Performancetest
In today’s world, where companies manage vast amounts of data, efficient data management is increasingly crucial.
19. Apr. 2023
Oracle Security Patches
We would like to inform you that it’s patching day again, even though many of our customers have their databases located behind a secure network firewall.
14. Apr. 2023
About our Chart Series
The topics covered in this chart series explore the types of charts used in data visualization.
13. Apr. 2023
Understanding Data Patterns with Area Charts
Area charts are a type of data visualization that display quantitative data over time or across categories.
11. Apr. 2023
Oracle 23c: A Necessary Upgrade for the Future
Oracle 23c is the latest version of Oracle’s database software, and it’s a necessary upgrade for the future.
31. März 2023
How Heat Maps Can Help You
A heat map is a graphical representation of data in which different values are represented by different colors.
30. März 2023
Power of Bubble Charts
If you’re looking to explore the power of bubble charts, Hans Rosling is the man to turn to.
30. März 2023
ALERTs on Oracle 19.17 at RHEL 8
After a new installation of an Oracle 19 CDB+PDB database we always look at the alert.log.
30. März 2023
The End of the Oracle-DB - Links?
Database links in autonomous database shared are the past – cloud links are the future.
29. März 2023
Voting Behaviour with Sankey Diagrams
Sankey diagrams can be useful in analyzing voter behavior in elections.
27. März 2023
Making Sense of Box Plots
Are you feeling overwhelmed by box plots? If so, you’re not alone! Interpreting data can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.
24. März 2023
Gantt Charts: A Must-Have Tool for Every Project Manager
As a project manager, I know how important it is to stay organized and on top of things.
22. März 2023
How Line Charts Helped Me Visualize Data Better
As someone who loves working with data, I’ve always been a fan of visualizing it in a way that makes it easier to understand.
21. März 2023
The Bar Chart
There is an amusing anecdote about a bar chart depicting the pros and cons of coffee versus tea.
08. März 2023
When the Time is not Right
Customer reports that the time does not arrive correctly from SQL Server to Exasol – basically daylight saving times.
07. März 2023
Our Top-Technical-Pains
A list of our Top-Technical-Pains - see for yourself!
07. März 2023
Exasol One Year Experience
Exasol and Oracle are both powerful relational database management systems that can be used for different use cases.