Topics & News

Analytics & Business Intelligence

Data Is Good, 
Structured Data Is Better!

If you want to be competitive these days, you can't afford to look away: Decisions should be based on sound data and make it easier for you to grow. The foundation consists of the right analytics and their interpretation.

messages hologram

IT Infrastructure & Database Technology

data-center server

Future-oriented IT Infrastructure 
as Growth Booster!

The right process optimizations lead to a competitive infrastructure. Everything from a single source – Sphinx is all about holistic database solutions for more efficient decision making and traceable data access. 

IT & Data Security

Better Safe than Sorry! 
Data Backup Is No Longer an Option, It's Mandatory. 

It's like your household insurance – as soon as damage occurs, you think “I wish we'd protected ourselves!”. For a company, the damage is even greater. Data protection runs through your company and beyond, because communication consists of data transfers – internally and externally. 

cloud data security

IT & Process Automation

car hologramm workshop

Automation Has Never Been Easier! 
Standard Processes Can Make Way.

In the past, it was about every single step, nowadays it's about efficient solutions that lead to the best possible result in the shortest possible time. If you look at your processes transparently, you can automate in the right places.  

AI in Business Solutions

AI as a Technological Lever
and Future Game Changer!

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of data technology is creating new, amazing solutions. With Sphinx, you can use the latest AI methods and revolutionize your business processes. It's never been more convenient – everything can basically be controlled from your living room. Our AI technologies are implemented seamlessly and can be used immediately.

man programming on laptop

Strategic Consulting & External IT

people in a meeting

Future-oriented IT 
Infrastructure as a Growth Booster!

The right process optimizations lead to a competitive infrastructure. Everything from a single source, Sphinx is all about holistic database solutions for more efficient decision-making and traceable data access.